Mathematics is life itself

OKTOBER: Code Week

"Recunoaște cifra ! "este activitatea pe care ne-am propus să o realizăm în săptămâna EU Code Week

Am învățat cifrele și vom desfășura o activitate CODE WEEK . 

Reactualizăm cifrele învățate prin fișa în care folosim codul culorilor să recunoaștem cifra învățată.

 Înceacă și tu ! 

Alătură-te nouă folosind codul: 

cw22-KRUvv ! 

#joinus #codeweek


OKTOBER: Code Week

"Recognize the code!" is the activity we set out to do during EU Code Week. We learned the numbers and we will do a CODE WEEK activity. We refresh the learned digits through the sheet where we use the color code to recognize the learned digit. You start too!

NOVEMBER: Mate at home

Our students made biscuit salami,counted the biscuits, added a few teaspoons of cocoa, measured the milk they added and counted the teaspoons of suger.


DECEMBER:  Math at nature

We are in the school yard. We use the largest blackboard, write the learned figures and numbers. We practice writing them. Guess what figure/number. I will write?

Math at art

"What a mathematician does must be as beautiful as what a painter or poet does. Thoughts should fit together harmoniously, as should colors and words. There is no permanent place in the world for ugly math. 'Godfrey Harold HARDY

FEBRUARY: Math at tehnology

The February aspect of our project is the preparation of "the use of mathematics in technology"The February aspect of our project is the preparation of "the use of mathematics in technology"

MARCH: Math at shipping

Children at Apold Secondary School in ROMANIA learn math while shopping in a real store. Fun and useful. We liked it very much.

Mathematics is life itself de Borș Elisabeta Edit

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