Eight doors of intelligence


      Short description
When measuring the intelligence of our students in the classroom environment, when a student who plays a musical instrument well cannot solve the division problem, or when a student who can write beautiful poetry cannot do a backflip, we can refer to Garder's theory of multiple intelligences Gardner; He argues that there are 8 different intelligence areas and that each individual has a unique way of using their areas and intelligence. Based on this information, in our project, we plan to present that subject as a teaching method to our students according to the chosen intelligence field, on a special day celebrated all over the world every month. Our aim is to enable the student to learn while having fun and to help him discover his own field of intelligence.

Number of pupils 0-100
Age from4
Age to : 12
Intelligence: It is our capacity to learn, use what is learned, and produce new solutions from what is learned. Since each person is unique, our ways of learning, processing information and the intelligence we have are also different. Gardner; It argues that there are 8 different areas of intelligence and that each individual has their own way of using their areas and intelligence. Therefore, the goals of our project are:
1) To help each student discover his or her own area of ​​intelligence,
2) To enable him to develop in the area of ​​intelligence in which he is strong, and to guide him to produce products in this area.
3) To create a more entertaining classroom atmosphere by using different learning methods and methods in the classroom environment.
4) To ensure that children support them by sharing their intelligence areas with their parents.
5) Raising awareness about special days celebrated all over the world 

Work process
Our project will cover a 9-month period from September to May. Each member of our project will choose one of the topics listed below and plan the events to be held that month. Then he will tell the other members what needs to be done. Other members will send him the activities and products they have done with their own students. We will compile the events held each month into a book and publish them in the library we will create. Project members will communicate using digital platforms such as WhatsApp groups, Facebook and YouTube.


• -Project introduction
• -Communication methods
• - Map of the project
• -Common tasks
• -Used web2 tools
• - Integration into the curriculum

2. November
• -eSecurity
• -Parental permission
• - Presentation of the region
• -Introductory teachers
• -Entrance students
Activity 1: Verbal intelligence: We will celebrate November 21, World Greeting Day, with activities in the field of verbal intelligence.

3.December:Activity 2: Intrapersonal intelligence: We will carry out activities in the field of intrapersonal intelligence to raise awareness for December 3, World Disability Day.

4.January:Activity 3: Mathematics Logical Intelligence: We will celebrate January 29 World Puzzle Day by using the field of logical intelligence.
Activity 4: Social intelligence, we will celebrate the 30th of January, the day of non-violence in schools, with activities on social intelligence.

5.February:Activty 5 : Musical Intelligence. February 22 world day of thought

6.March:Activity 6: Nature intelligence; We will celebrate March 21 World Water Day with activities in the field of nature intelligence.

7. April:Activity 7: Visual and spatial intelligence: We will celebrate April 15, World Art Day, with activities in the field of visual intelligence

8.May:Activity 8 .Kinesthetic intelligence: We will celebrate May 10, Move for Health Day with activities in the field of kinesthetic intelligence

Expected results

The expected results are;
1) To raise self-confident individuals who know themselves,
2) To create conscious families who know in which intelligence area their children are strong.
3) To ensure that children come to school more willingly because the lessons are taught with different activities and methods
4) To make more conscious choices in choosing a profession in the future
5) To motivate our students to actively participate in projects 
6) To create common end products and joint works.



DECEMBER =LOGO de Borș Elisabeta Edit

DECEMBER =POSTER de Borș Elisabeta Edit



Group 3

Activity 3: Mathematics Logical Intelligence: We will celebrate January 29 World Puzzle Day by using the field of logical intelligence. We will create puzzles that we attach to the twinboard. Being a January activity, the puzzle images will be winter. We recommend creating puzzles on:




Then the coordinators of these activities will fit your puzzles into a game.

So please respect the upload deadline.




The newspaper -January de Borș Elisabeta Edit

Activity 4 In this activity, we will celebrate the day of non-violence in our schools. Two pages will be allocated for each member, where we will include the activities they do at school. 

January 30 school day of nonviolence and peace was celebrated to commemorate the death of Mahatma Gandhi, a national and spiritual leader of India. This day has been celebrated since 1964, but it was not until 1993 that the UN recognized it.

On Al Ocak International Day of Nonviolence, different actions are organized in 30 schools to ensure peace in the world. This is a day when the school is non-violent and peaceful, it is the day of the story of peace and non-violence, or songs related to peace are also sung and this brings out a situation that is happening in the country or the world.

Our school, a school without violence! de Borș Elisabeta Edit

Activity 5.1 Musical Inteligence : This month in activity 5 we will develop musical intelligence. That's why our mission this month is to beat the beat of a song from the associated country. The song proposed by Turkey or Bulgaria was distributed. We chose both and we liked this activity.

5.2 The February newspaper We also included in the pages of the February newspaper the classroom activities in which we carry out activities to develop musical intelligence.

Inteligenta muzicala 1 de Borș Elisabeta Edit

Inteligenta muzicala 2 de Borș Elisabeta Edit

Inteligenta muzicala 3 de Borș Elisabeta Edit

6.1 Activity 6












The newspaper-March-  My page



7.1 Activity 7

World Art Day is marked annually on April 15 in recognition of the contribution of art to the enrichment of universal culture and spirituality. My students carried out the following activities:

1. I am like a painting! Through the activity "I'm like a painting!" I invited students to explore the fascinating world of fine art and choose a famous painter, a suggestive painting to photograph. Inspired by Art Day, this activity gave students the chance to transform themselves into famous works of art, giving them a unique insight into the artistic process and message conveyed by painters. This activity was carried out with the involvement of parents in taking photos after a painting by a famous painter.

2. I paint like an artist! Through the activity "I paint like an artist!" I invited the students to explore the fascinating world of fine art to choose a famous painter and reproduce the painting. Inspired by Art Day, this activity gave students the chance to become painters and create works of art. This activity took place in Visual Art and Practical Skills classes.

7.2 The newspaper-April

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