Little Prince , Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Little Prince , Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

About the project
OUR PURPOSEto love the book to live emotions [ Friendship-love ] and Values [responsibility self-esteem] to know the planets Theatrical game and finally performance
Arts Education (visual arts, music, theater): paintings, constructions, songs, videos, short films, role playing, dramatizations, improvisations and performance our method project, collaborative experiential-learning text Dramatopoiisi
JANUARY Introduction to the book, 24 ianuarie.mp4 from edit70 on Vimeo.the author
Project Summary-indicator reading passages
Focus on the characters of the heroes and the relationships between people
FEBRUARY Project for the planets.visit the planetarium
Improvisations and dramatizations Paintings, collages, constructions.Makeshift Museum of the little prince
APRIL Preparation theatrical performance
MAY Presentation theatrical performance


OUR PURPOSEto love the book to live emotions [ Friendship-love ] and Values [responsibility self-esteem] to know the planets Theatrical game and finally performance


we will evaluate our activities, we will feedback, through twinspace.
We will exchange views, experiences, information
our children will gain new experiences, we will know Europe, and learn to cooperate

JANURY Introduction to the book, the author
Project Summary-indicator reading passages
Focus on the characters of the heroes and the relationships between people
FEBRUARY Project for the planets.visit the planetarium
MARCH Improvisations and dramatizations Paintings, collages, constructions.Makeshift Museum of the little prince
APRIL Preparation theatrical performance
MAY Presentation theatrical performance


our children will gain new experiences, we will know Europe, and learn to cooperate, we will try to do an online exhibition with our work, we will use different it tools, online book of the project-as a result, maybe 3 languages

October activities- Parents permission

October activities- Code week activities

October activities- Global education week




November activities-Tools used in the project

Noi astăzi l-am invitat pe Micul prinț la ora de MEM. 
Așa ne-am jucat. Vă invităm și pe voi !

November activities-Outdoor activities

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - "Ocrotim natura, facem curățenie"

December activities

January activities

February activities -World read aloud day 

Astăzi, 2 februarie 2022, elevii clasei pregătitoare de la Școala Gimnazială Apold au celebrat Ziua Internațională a Cititului Împreună (ZICI). 
Este un eveniment global inițiat de Asociația LitWorld și marcat în peste 100 de țări, 
în prima miercuri din luna februarie. Am ales cartea "Ziua buldozerului", apoi am 
rămas fascinați de lumea cărților. Așa am sărbătorit noi această zi.

February activities - Safer Internet Day 2022



I have received from"Miron Cristea" High School, "Piticot" Kindergarten, 
Subcetate locality, jud Harghita, professor Urzică Viorica

We were very happy.

I sent from the Apold Secondary School Mureș County, the preparatory class 
teacher Borș Elisabeta Edit

It was an interesting activity. I was emotional when I created the card because I gave it to
 a colleague.  We learned to create, give and spread spring thoughts with the little prince.

Simpozion județean cu participare națională ”SUSTENABILITATEA ÎN EDUCAȚIE A PROIECTELOR ETWINNING ȘI ERASMUS”, organizat de CCD Alba , ISJ Alba, eTwinning Alba, Școala Gimnazială nr. 3 Cugir., Liceul Tehnologic Aiud                                    
ISBN 978-973-0- 36503-0.

June activities: Evaluation

We were very happy to participate in this project. I recalled the activities within the project, the web2 tools used. The children gladly participated in the activities being motivated by the little prince's adventure. Thank you!


Cifrele de la 0-10, an interactive worksheet by edit70

Adunăm cu lupul!, an interactive worksheet by edit70



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